Juan Ponce de león   (april 1474-july 1521) was a Spanish  explorer and conqueror. He became the first governor of Puerto rico by the appointened of the spanish Crown. He led the first known European expedition to La Florida, which he named during his first vollage to the área in 1513.Thought in popular culture, he was supostly searching for the Fountain of youth, there is no contemporany evidence to support the history, which is lickely a mith. The name of the boat of Ponce de león is the Santiago.

Ponce de León went to America in the first journey of Colon and then he discovered Puerto Rico. In one of his journeys the  Santiago ship was atteckted and Ponce de León died in the fight in1521 his tomb is located inside the cathedral of Juan Bautista in Puerto Rico.

Resultado de imagen de ponce de leon


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